About FTG

FlibberTGibbet is me and my name is Markus and I work on movies doing sound, I’m a boom operator, or as I like to be a boom artist. Which simply means I wave a pole over people’s heads to capture their words, at least this is what I do for money, and now I suppose I’ve become what it is I do or I am what I’ve become; I move and listen, I see and I’m still, I act and forsee, pretend and forge on as we go in and go out like a figures in a dream. It’s a crazy thing really but it’s like every other crazy thing you can imagine apart from imagining something different but just not the same thing exactly which is kinda like the weather. The philosophy is a way of being, or the ebb and tide from foreign’s affair as though paths taken lead in many directions. I suppose Flibber is a crust of bread without all of the gossipy insides, or maybe the tough chewy and sometimes hard parts that are discovered when you’re really hungry, but not like being in a war. Oh shit, I’ve digressed. So anyway FTG is about the journey while making films and also when not, because the two experiences alone both begin and end over and over again and are so completely different and intense in their own ways separately but not at the same time, which leads me to some undiscovered familiar places. So within here you will find photograph’s from a movie I was working on, or not, or both let’s say like working at the same time as exploring or simply enjoying the time when not working which is all ‘je ne sais quoi’ which ironically is the same thing and means quite literally ‘I do not know what’. Here are some pictures taken by a woman I’ve met but don’t know, her name is Margot, ….. anyway she sees what I see too. These were taken during the making of The Englishman’s Boy._mg_0764.jpg_mg_0916.jpg_mg_0999.jpg_mg_1008.jpg_mg_1126.jpg_mg_1128.jpg

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