Rules Of The Road

I can’t find a link to Lena Horne’s Rules Of The Road …….



but I found this ….

JezebelIron&Wine(run your mouse on here and click)

who’s seen jezebel?
she was born to be the woman i would know
and hold like the breeze
half as tight as both our eyes closed

who’s seen jezebel?
she went walking where the cedars line the road
her blouse on the ground
where the dogs were hungry, roaming

saying, “wait, we swear
we’ll love you more and holy
jezebel, it’s we, we that you are for

who’s seen jezebel?
she was born to be the woman we could blame
make me a beast half as brave
i’d be the same

who’s seen jezebel?
she was gone before i ever got to say
“lay here my love
you’re the only shape i’ll pray to, jezebel”

who’s seen jezebel?
will the mountain last as long as i can wait
wait like the dawn
how it aches to meet the day

who’s seen jezebel?
she was certainly the spark for all i’ve done
the window was wide
she could see the dogs come running

saying, “wait, we swear
we’ll love you more and wholly
jezebel, it’s we, we that you are for

The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

“Let any external thing that so wishes happen to those parts of me which can be affected by its happening – and they, if they wish, can complain. I myself am not yet harmed, unless I judge this occurrence something bad: and I can refuse to do so.”

“Whatever anyone does or says, I must be a good man. It is as if an emerald, or gold or purple, were always saying: ‘Whatever anyone does or says, I must be an emerald and keep my own colour.’”

“The directing mind does not disturb itself: for example, it does not frighten itself or lead itself to desire. If anyone else can frighten it or cause it pain, let him do so: of itself, of its own judgement, it will not deliberately turn to such modes. The body should take care, as far as it can, to avoid harm; the sensual soul, which feels fear or pain, should say if it does so; but that which makes general assessment of all these things will not suffer at all – it will not itself rush to any such judgement. Of itself the directing mind is without needs, unless it creates a need for itself: in the same way it is untroubled and unhindered, unless it troubles or hinders itself. ”

“Is someone afraid of change? Well, what can ever come to be without change? Or what is dearer or closer to the nature of the Whole than change? Can you yourself take your bath, if the wood that heats it is not changed? Can you be fed, unless what you eat changes? Can any other of the benefits of life be achieved without change? Do you not see then that for you to be changed is eqaul, and eqaully necessary to the nature of the Whole?”

“Standing straight – or held straight.”

“Universal nature uses the substance of the universe like wax, making now the model of a horse, then melting it down and using its material for a tree; next for a man, next for something else. Each one of these subsists for only the briefest time. It is no more hardship for a box to be broken up than to be put together.”

“When someone does you some wrong, you should consider immediately what judgement of good or evil led him to wrong you. When you see this, you will pity him, and not feel surprise or anger. You yourself either still share his view of good, or something like it, in which case you should understand and forgive: if, on the other hand, you no longer judge such things as either good or evil, it will be the easier for you to be patient with the unsighted.”

“Take your joy in simplicity, in integrity, in indifference to all that lies between nurture and vice.

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